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Exeter Plan - Issues Consultation (Closed)

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8. Your questions answered

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Q. I don’t feel that the issues are listed in the right order of priority.

A. The issues are not listed in any priority order. They have all been identified as an initial set of issues based on existing research and knowledge. Please do let us know your comments formally by completing the consultation survey.

Q. When will the actual Local Plan be available to view?

A. The New Exeter Local Plan draft will be consulted on in 2022. Responses received to the current ‘Issues’ consultation will help shape the draft plan.

Q. Is any serious consideration being given to the question over whether, in an ever expanding city, the local hospital is going to be adequate for the expanding population? The RD & E is, as far as I can tell, under huge pressure, in terms of numbers alone (i.e. the in- and out-patients it serves). It is not likely to be a good enough facility if Exeter keeps growing.

A. Healthcare and hospital provision fall under the ‘health and wellbeing’ and ‘infrastructure and community facilities’ issues within the new Local Plan consultation document. Going forward, we will be working with health care organisations, including the RD&E, so that the health care services and infrastructure needed to go alongside future planned housing development can be provided in the right way. Further detail will be set out in the draft Local Plan and other infrastructure planning work. 

Q. Why will the Local Plan cover years 2020-2040? Your net zero carbon by 2030 pledge will mean many things will have changed by the time we reach the halfway point of the Plan. Plus, by the time the draft is consulted upon, 2020 and 2021 will be over.

A. Government planning policy requires that the Local Plan covers a minimum of 15 years from the date of adoption (when it comes into effect). The proposed plan period of 2020 to 2040 meets this requirement, given that the Council anticipates the Plan will be adopted 2024.

The national requirement for a minimum plan period of 15 years means it is only possible to take into account the evidence available at the time of writing. On this basis the draft Local Plan will include and refer to the Net Zero Exeter 2030 Plan as it is part of our planning policy evidence.